Monday, June 21, 2010

CAF QMDC Training rides weeks 1 to 5

I officially embarked on a new journey last May. A journey that I believe will better me physically but more so as a person. The foundation is called "CAF" which stands for Challenged Athletes Foundation ( An organization who's primary goal is to help physically disabled athletes who still have a dream of one day being able to ride a century, run a marathon and swim in the open ocean.
I am one of 30 lucky finalist to be chosen for the XX1090 Scott and BR Radio Contest. The goal is simple, be the last man or woman standing and you get 21 weeks of cycling training from top cycling experts, all expense paid trip to San Francisco and of course a unforgettable ride down the California coast line down to San Diego. The contest will not only challenge my skill as a bike rider, but as a fundraiser and education for CAF and what they do. The last thing that is also very important is how much of a team player I am and will be throughout this whole experience. So we are off to week one.

Week one was geared more for introductions, rules and regulations. I was given a Primal Wear CAF jersey to rock on the weekly rides after I signed my life away. I met most the ride leaders such as Pat J. and Joe W. to name a few and also last years winner Adam Beck and 2008 winner Mike Henderson. It was very intimidating the first day, just like the first day of school. Not knowing anyone and what to expect. But I soon realized, we were all feeling the same way. I was glad to have rode with Danielle W., Brian M., and Keith J. to name a few. We all came from different backgrounds but found solace in one common thing, road biking. After a quick ride up and down the coast from Del Mar to Oceanside then back. Before you knew it, the ride was over.

Due to our wedding anniversary in Seattle, WA and the Rock and Roll Marathon the week after. I was not able to make it on the week 2 and 3 group rides. But as you can see, I was keeping myself busy and training for the ride in my absence.

Week four was a strength training and recovery clinic at Fitness Quest 10 ( From the moment you walk in, you notice the LT jersey hanging on the wall right next to Drew Brees. These were not only hanging for novelty items, but clearly endorsing what this gym is all about how serious they are in player development. The mission this week is learn different ways on how your body needs to recover. The trainer for the day was none other than group one ride leader Pat J. He is currently a personal trainer with Fitness Quest 10 and was kind enough to show us routines he knew will make us all better on the bike while working off it. After only an hour and a half, I immediately noticed the effects this workout had on my body. I felt it a lot more the next couple of days. I took in great tips and learned the facts and myths about working out in the gym. I took a lot of knowledge from this weeks clinic. Now when do we ride?

Week five was a group ride day. I felt really excited since I wasn't able to ride with the group since week one. Sunday ride was reverse of the week two's Elfin Forest ride. I personally have never started west to east on Del Dios Highway so this will be a fairly new ride for me. By mile number 6 and 7, my body showed me exactly how long I have been off the bike and soon felt it before we hit the only SAG. After taking in much needed sustenance and break. We were off back to the starting line in Flecther's cove with more rollers left on the ride than a uphill battle. I was riding steady in the middle of the pack cruising between 15-20miles an hour, then I hear a clack and notice my crank was not moving at all. My chain was stuck and had to pull over and stop. The rest of the grouped passed but a fellow rider came to my aid and waited for me while I gained momentum once again. (Thank you!) After going up much of the rollers without the group's help. I met up with the rest of the group near San Elijo and made our way towards Carlsbad and back down to Fletcher's Cove. Taking two weeks off the bike can make it feel an eternity, but with the Marathon over. I can now concentrate my efforts on the saddle and strength training. Is it Sunday yet?

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