Thursday, September 23, 2010

OMG, The final two!?

OK I don't even know where to begin. What started with 30 contestants back in June is now down to 2. And who would have known I was able to hang on as long as I did. This weeks eliminations had to be the hardest. I heard earlier this week that fellow finalist Keith Jensen had to pull out of the running for the covenant Scott and BR radio champion. I was surprised and kind of disappointed since he put in a lot of mileage during his 24 hour bike ride with Group 1 Leader Joe Weickgenant. I hope to one day be able to ride Double and Triple Centuries like he does. With Keith giving up his spot, what was once five contestants before the XX1090 promotional challenge is now down to four. Which means that by the end of the radio show today, we will know who will be that much closer in winning the top spot as the 2010 XX1090 Scott and BR radio winner.
The group has gotten accustomed to how the radio spot works. We knew it was going to be fast and if you blink or used the bathroom at the wrong time you can miss it. I made sure the little one was awake and ready to get out the door by 6:30am. By 6:50 I could hear Scott getting ready to "bobbit" two more radio riders. This is what we as radio riders has been working for the past 4 months, not to have you name called...Scott and BR typically get the stress level up by fumbling with the child proof envelopes on air....then the fourth place finalist was announced....Danielle Weickgenant, had been eliminated....but just as fast as Danielle's name was called, the second envelope was handed and then the name was read.....Brian Meyers, had been eliminated. I was waiting for some dramatic change or surprise to the name but nothing.
Scott and BR just went on to the next segment. WOW! So the last two finalist are Chris Glossner and Myself. Chris, last years radio contestant who had to drop out last year due to medical reason was on a mission this year for getting that final spot. So much so, that he started his fundraising campaign right before the actual MDC rides even began. Assuring himself that if he was not chosen, he will still be able to make the ride down the coast come October.
I still, as I am writing this blog can not believe to have made it this far. I know I have done a lot in this contest that has made me put myself out there and have helped my team whenever they have needed me, but I am still in awe. Danielle and Brian are both amazing riders and are great to be around. Danielle was always there to offer a hand with any group project that needed attention. Even during work she took the time to help us out. Brian as well went above and beyond, printing most if not all the flyers for our fundraisers and starting the team blog page and basically became the webmaster of the Scott and BR cycling team.
Since there is still a chance that Brian and Danielle can go to SF, I will try my best to collect more funds as much as possible so the next radio rider can make the trip. For the G3 Riders and Ride leaders that heard me promise something on week 17 ride if I make the top 3 at least. You will see this weekend that I am man of my word. This contest has been a very humbling experience and one I would most certainly never forget.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

XX1090 CAF Promotion challenge

Good Evening Friends. I wasn't able to make it to Week 18 Fallbrook ride due to prior engagements in Northern California. This was the last long scheduled ride before the back to back century ride. The week before I left for wedding, we had a scheduled radio visit. The radio group was advised that there were would be two contestants eliminated. This was difficult to imagine since we have gotten really close and everyone is working hard to make sure everyone is able to go on this amazing trip.
During the live XX1090 Scott and BR show broadcast, we were individually handed envelopes with names. Brian was called first, who called Danielle's. Oh no! Could it be that our lone woman of the group was "bobbetted". Then Keith was called second, who announced Brian's was eliminated as well. Can't be Brian the Blog Guru and website expert and Danielle, the group some what appointed secretary / admin really ousted....No so fast....Scott then called yours truly "me" to the mic and had me open an envelope as well? Could it be, three radio contestants gone after today? I opened the envelope and it had Chris Glossner's name on it. Automatically I was excited knowing me and Keith's names weren't called yet. But at the same time skeptical since this is a radio show and there were NO RULES. When Chris was given an envelope to open, I knew that we all had to somehow eliminate each other. Sure enough Chris eliminated Keith. Then Danielle was given the last envelope name on it? Scott said all 5 remaining contestants had been eliminated which was the bad news.
The good news was that since we all were equally eliminated, we were all given a second chance to continue on. Though there was a catch. The group was given XX1090 banners to get our creative blood flowing and promote the radio station and CAF. This task was limited individual contestants so we could not combine efforts to promote the station. What was I to do since I was going be out of town. And this week's ride and wouldn't even be in San Diego to promote the station. I had a daunting task ahead of me. But with a little brainstorming session, maybe a trip out of San Diego was a blessing in disguise.
Scott had mentioned numerous times that the station signal could reach the Bay Area. Once I got there, I turned on the radio and to my surprise there it was, xx1090 AM reaching San Francisco. Next, I wanted to make sure I got people's attention without having to be loud or have banners all around me to get noticed. I came up with a super hero character name XX Super Cyclist. The costume was fairly simple, a banner used as a cape, a wiffle ball bat with the banners and of course, San Diego sports team paraphernalia along with my CAF cycling gear and my character was born.

I lived in the city of Sunnyvale just 40 minutes southeast of SF. So I am quite familiar with their sport teams. Since I am football fanatic at heart, I decided to visit Candlestick park or Monster park. It was way too early as the pictures were not coming out as great as I anticipated. Next was where the SF Giants, AT&T Park.

If your not baseball fan, I am sure you might have heard at least the Padre's are vying for a spot in the playoffs. With the San Francisco Giants in our review mirror,what better time to rally behind the Friar boys. I walked around the park and was greeted by several walkers, bikers and runners. I also got the attention of morning commuters since it was still a weekday. Took pictures with Willie Mays, Orlando Cepeda and Juan Marichals all along the park.

I then continued to Pier 39 for several other SF landmarks such as the Embarcadero, Fisherman's Wharf, Ghiradelli and the Beach St Cable Car turnabout. Not to mention there were plenty of people walking around to see how desperate San Diegans could get in order to promote a radio station. I loved the peddling for CAF contributions. I might have not netted much but at least people saw me and no other street performers to take the crowd. Lombard street was several blocks up but I knew it was worth the trip since it's the only Zig-Zag street of it's kind in California as far as I know.
After several more photo ops, I decided to pack up and make our way to the famous Golden Gate bridge. The problem being its San Francisco the fog pretty much hindered any photo opportunity I had of the famous bridge. If you've visited the city between fall and winter seasons, you know what I mean.
I then decided to end our day in Oakland -Alameda Stadium, some of you might know it as Mcafee Stadium or The BLACK HOLE. That's right, Raider nations infamous stadium. Along side Oracle arena where the Golden State Warriors call home. I have never felt so scared in my life wearing a charger jersey in a stadium. I can only imagine if there were 50,000 screaming raider fans and it was game day what would happen to me. At least I get to say I wore my charger gear in McAfee stadium, with being stabbed, kicked or spit on.

When I got back to San Diego, I decided to also get my daughter involved. So XX Super Cyclist was back in town with trusty sidekick Win in tow around Mission Bay. With the XX1090 / CAF SAG wagon prepped and ready to go, We went up and down the bay waving the XX1090 flag and Win saying hi to every man, woman, child and even dog that passed us. Thanks for your enthusiasm Winter, you make a great sidekick.

After running around the Bay Area, Mission Bay and 800+ photographs later. I was ready to call it a day. Coming into this weeks task I was really hesitant and reluctant on how successful the outcome would be. I just wanted to know I gave it all I got and Scott mentioned "be yourself". I hope to show that through the pictures I took I can promote XX1090 and CAF in a tasteful and yet fun way. I think I was able to accomplish both at the same time.

If you would like to see more videos. Please click on my youtube pages to the right of the page.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Changing Gears, Changing Lives"

For the last few months I have been sharing my journey through the QMDC Scott & BR Radio Show Challenge. You've read my stories about the rides we've gone on and the bake sales I've done. I made a fool of myself advertising the Scott & BR show and CAF at Lucha Libre. Now this journey is soon coming to an end. The last email I received from last year's winner Adam Beck ended with a question "What have you done for CAF today?" I started to brainstorm and the first thing, which is something I do almost automatically everyday, was I tell someone about CAF. As I continued to think about the things I have done for CAF, it soon became a question of what has this competition done to me.
"Changing Gears, Changing Lives," is the CAF slogan. I can truly say that it has changed my life. Before this competition I was never the person to actively advocate for a cause. I would be the person who donated or actively passed along other requests for fundraising and helping causes, but never the person to initiate such an act. I am now that person. I am a volunteer and hopefully a person that my daughter can look up to and follow the path of service and good will.
Not only has it changed my life, but it has also changed the lives of others in my family. Throughout the last couple of years my wife and my daughter have been by my side helping me train for many runs and especially this competition. During the beginning stages of this competition my wife was inspired to run a half marathon. To continue with the spirit of giving and to credit her inspiration, her first half marathon will be Silverstrand in November, which benefits CAF. So when I'm not on my training rides or working, I am helping her train for her first big run.
Volunteering at the inaugural CAF Para triathlon Camp was one of the most inspiring things I've done in my entire life. Being there to help as athletes learned skills that will last them a life time was amazing. Giving me that opportunity was a blessing and I hope to continue helping whenever CAF needs me long after this competition is over.
One person who also supported me through this journey is my boss Peter. During our last fundraiser the Poker Ride, he and his daughter came out to show their support for the cause. They welcomed riders as they came to SAG #3. Peter's daughter is just starting to ride. I hope that seeing the riders that day inspires her to do more and see that anything is possible if she just tries.
As each week's ride brought lessons about riding and being a part of a team. It also brought me closer to friends I have met through this competition. We still have a month of riding till the end goal of SF to SD, so if you're a QMDC rider and I haven't met you yet, I hope I get the opportunity to meet another person who cares about this great cause.
Tomorrow is elimination day at the radio station. So I will end this post for now, and hoping that my competition is not ending tomorrow. There is so much more I have yet to learn and want to do for CAF. I have met so many amazing people and look forward to riding with all of you next week. For all of you who have taught me priceless lessons in riding and for all that continue to be an inspiration to me and my family, thank you.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2010 Poker Run Fundraiser

Welcome to the 2010 CAF Scott and BR cycling Poker Run Fundraiser. This was a very successful event not just for the financial aspect but also great since there were people we recognized from the QMDC ride group, Alumni's and as well as new smiling faces. Adam Beck (2009 Radio Winner and G2 Ride Leader) and Brian Brillo from last years radio group. Making an appearance were radio contestants Todd B and Dave M (with his son) supporting the remaining five in the group. Also from the MDC group, Chintan, Shelby, John, and Fred made it out to support the radio group. There were at least 20 diverse riders that day, I saw a mountain bike and couple of tri bikes as well. Nice to see that the message of our event not only reached the road cycling community. The ride was a moderate 39 mile loop starting from Carmel Valley, through San Dieguito Rd, 4S ranch, Penasquitos, Scripps Ranch, Mira Mesa and back to Carmel Valley. Several hills to give riders a bit of a challenge and for the brave souls that wanted to, we had a optional in and out ride up to the 67 via Scripps Ranch Parkway. The SAG angels for Sundays ride were Danielle and Joe (that's right I'm calling you an angel Joe for not riding), Keith's wife Esther and my angels Cristal and Winter. Thank you all for keeping us hydrated and fed throughout the route. Also a big thank you Shrek and Chocolate Muffins for keeping a 2 year old happy and entertained for most of the morning. It was great riding with several old buddies of mine that I haven't had the privilege of riding with in a long time. Educating them of what I am doing and what it was for was also a great feeling. Thanks Chris, Dave, Pat and Ben. The event ended without a hitch. No flat and accidents to report which is fantastic news. Congratulations to the winners of the poker run. Our very own Fred and Chintan won with the worst hands. John C from was the QMDC winner. A San Diego Cycling club rider wont the grand prize. All the riders were deserving of the prizes. Thank you all again for coming out and supporting CAF and the radio group.

24 Hour Scott and BR Radio ride

Earlier this month fellow radio contestant Keith Jensen made an on air commitment to Scott and BR. He proposed to ride his bike for 24 hours in hopes to get people in the radio world involved and help CAF raise funds. He was taking pledges to this trip so that it was well worth it. The weekend before the big day Keith and Joe rode up the coast to map out a route that would be safest and also well lit in a event that something was to go south. Keith mentioned he met some great riders and were able to get sponsorship along the way. While I wasn't able to take extra time off work to help pull Keith and Joe on the epic ride. I was able to help out by riding with them when I got off work. When they were on their way back from Orange county and battling a nasty head wind. They made quick pit stop in Oceanside, so I was able to meet up with them and ride down the coast till we took a nature break at Swami's. Where Esther was relived of her SAG duties and was joined by Danielle to take over. As the three of us rode down to La Jolla, we were joined by fellow radio contestants Jesse M and Dave M. We made a quick stop for a quick bite for Keith and Joe since they have been riding hell of a lot more than we have. After just minutes we made it to Fiesta Island.
This is where we spent at least 2 hours riding around safely and without traffic or head winds to worry about. The only set back is after seeing the same rock and same tree after several laps can get to you. Dave, Jesse and myself offered our fresh legs to pull while Keith and Joe continued to ride. But my ride had to be cut short, I had work the following day and had to be up in 5 hours for daddy duties as well. Brian met up with rest of the group to ride the rest of the night. They rode well into the early morning until they rode as a group to La Jolla cove where Scott was swimming for the radio station event called Great Friend and Great Whites. Thanks for giving your minds, bodies and rears for CAF and the Scott and BR cycling group. Way to take one for the team.

CAF QMDC Week 17

No, you didnt miss QMDC Week 16 post. I missed week 16 ride so I wont be able to tell you how it went, but according to my colleages, it was recovery Kelly's loop ride. I also missed out on a great post ride breakfast at the Rancho Valencia Resort and Spa (See Week 12).

This weeks ride is called Ranger twist, 84 miles and 3400 feet of climbing. The ride started at Solano Beach on a nice cloudy and cool morning. Up the 101 then east on the 76 bike path until we reached Bonsall for our first SAG. It's mid morning and still no sun which is a great change since typically by now the sun would have appeared beating down on us. Now comes the climbing, we headed east on Lilac towards old 395. Then travelled north until we hit Ranger Rd (Ranger Twist) the West on E Mission Rd. What I noticed in my blogs is that as the weeks pass, the blogs about climbing gets shorter and smaller. I hate to admit but to everyone out there who wants to be a better rider. The only way to get better at something is to do it over and over again. The climbs have now become easier, breathing is more controlled and legs are cramping less. Hydration and strength training also have a part in this but putting it to use every week is key. After riding down pretty back country roads where trees surround the road overhead like canopies. We where now at the second SAG. From here we have to climb smaller rollers on our way back to the coast via Vista and San Marcos. As I looked around, most of the entire group made it back together. No FLATs (See Week 15), and no accidents both mechanical and physical to the group. I have notice that the entire group and individually everyone has progressed from the training. It was great riding last week but I have to say I will be missing next weeks ride. Another wedding to attend to in Northern California. But I will be riding the back to back century the following weekend. I hope to catch everyone then.