Thursday, September 23, 2010

OMG, The final two!?

OK I don't even know where to begin. What started with 30 contestants back in June is now down to 2. And who would have known I was able to hang on as long as I did. This weeks eliminations had to be the hardest. I heard earlier this week that fellow finalist Keith Jensen had to pull out of the running for the covenant Scott and BR radio champion. I was surprised and kind of disappointed since he put in a lot of mileage during his 24 hour bike ride with Group 1 Leader Joe Weickgenant. I hope to one day be able to ride Double and Triple Centuries like he does. With Keith giving up his spot, what was once five contestants before the XX1090 promotional challenge is now down to four. Which means that by the end of the radio show today, we will know who will be that much closer in winning the top spot as the 2010 XX1090 Scott and BR radio winner.
The group has gotten accustomed to how the radio spot works. We knew it was going to be fast and if you blink or used the bathroom at the wrong time you can miss it. I made sure the little one was awake and ready to get out the door by 6:30am. By 6:50 I could hear Scott getting ready to "bobbit" two more radio riders. This is what we as radio riders has been working for the past 4 months, not to have you name called...Scott and BR typically get the stress level up by fumbling with the child proof envelopes on air....then the fourth place finalist was announced....Danielle Weickgenant, had been eliminated....but just as fast as Danielle's name was called, the second envelope was handed and then the name was read.....Brian Meyers, had been eliminated. I was waiting for some dramatic change or surprise to the name but nothing.
Scott and BR just went on to the next segment. WOW! So the last two finalist are Chris Glossner and Myself. Chris, last years radio contestant who had to drop out last year due to medical reason was on a mission this year for getting that final spot. So much so, that he started his fundraising campaign right before the actual MDC rides even began. Assuring himself that if he was not chosen, he will still be able to make the ride down the coast come October.
I still, as I am writing this blog can not believe to have made it this far. I know I have done a lot in this contest that has made me put myself out there and have helped my team whenever they have needed me, but I am still in awe. Danielle and Brian are both amazing riders and are great to be around. Danielle was always there to offer a hand with any group project that needed attention. Even during work she took the time to help us out. Brian as well went above and beyond, printing most if not all the flyers for our fundraisers and starting the team blog page and basically became the webmaster of the Scott and BR cycling team.
Since there is still a chance that Brian and Danielle can go to SF, I will try my best to collect more funds as much as possible so the next radio rider can make the trip. For the G3 Riders and Ride leaders that heard me promise something on week 17 ride if I make the top 3 at least. You will see this weekend that I am man of my word. This contest has been a very humbling experience and one I would most certainly never forget.

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