Tuesday, September 21, 2010

XX1090 CAF Promotion challenge

Good Evening Friends. I wasn't able to make it to Week 18 Fallbrook ride due to prior engagements in Northern California. This was the last long scheduled ride before the back to back century ride. The week before I left for wedding, we had a scheduled radio visit. The radio group was advised that there were would be two contestants eliminated. This was difficult to imagine since we have gotten really close and everyone is working hard to make sure everyone is able to go on this amazing trip.
During the live XX1090 Scott and BR show broadcast, we were individually handed envelopes with names. Brian was called first, who called Danielle's. Oh no! Could it be that our lone woman of the group was "bobbetted". Then Keith was called second, who announced Brian's was eliminated as well. Can't be Brian the Blog Guru and website expert and Danielle, the group some what appointed secretary / admin really ousted....No so fast....Scott then called yours truly "me" to the mic and had me open an envelope as well? Could it be, three radio contestants gone after today? I opened the envelope and it had Chris Glossner's name on it. Automatically I was excited knowing me and Keith's names weren't called yet. But at the same time skeptical since this is a radio show and there were NO RULES. When Chris was given an envelope to open, I knew that we all had to somehow eliminate each other. Sure enough Chris eliminated Keith. Then Danielle was given the last envelope with...my name on it? Scott said all 5 remaining contestants had been eliminated which was the bad news.
The good news was that since we all were equally eliminated, we were all given a second chance to continue on. Though there was a catch. The group was given XX1090 banners to get our creative blood flowing and promote the radio station and CAF. This task was limited individual contestants so we could not combine efforts to promote the station. What was I to do since I was going be out of town. And this week's ride and wouldn't even be in San Diego to promote the station. I had a daunting task ahead of me. But with a little brainstorming session, maybe a trip out of San Diego was a blessing in disguise.
Scott had mentioned numerous times that the station signal could reach the Bay Area. Once I got there, I turned on the radio and to my surprise there it was, xx1090 AM reaching San Francisco. Next, I wanted to make sure I got people's attention without having to be loud or have banners all around me to get noticed. I came up with a super hero character name XX Super Cyclist. The costume was fairly simple, a banner used as a cape, a wiffle ball bat with the banners and of course, San Diego sports team paraphernalia along with my CAF cycling gear and my character was born.

I lived in the city of Sunnyvale just 40 minutes southeast of SF. So I am quite familiar with their sport teams. Since I am football fanatic at heart, I decided to visit Candlestick park or Monster park. It was way too early as the pictures were not coming out as great as I anticipated. Next was where the SF Giants, AT&T Park.

If your not baseball fan, I am sure you might have heard at least the Padre's are vying for a spot in the playoffs. With the San Francisco Giants in our review mirror,what better time to rally behind the Friar boys. I walked around the park and was greeted by several walkers, bikers and runners. I also got the attention of morning commuters since it was still a weekday. Took pictures with Willie Mays, Orlando Cepeda and Juan Marichals all along the park.

I then continued to Pier 39 for several other SF landmarks such as the Embarcadero, Fisherman's Wharf, Ghiradelli and the Beach St Cable Car turnabout. Not to mention there were plenty of people walking around to see how desperate San Diegans could get in order to promote a radio station. I loved the peddling for CAF contributions. I might have not netted much but at least people saw me and no other street performers to take the crowd. Lombard street was several blocks up but I knew it was worth the trip since it's the only Zig-Zag street of it's kind in California as far as I know.
After several more photo ops, I decided to pack up and make our way to the famous Golden Gate bridge. The problem being its San Francisco the fog pretty much hindered any photo opportunity I had of the famous bridge. If you've visited the city between fall and winter seasons, you know what I mean.
I then decided to end our day in Oakland -Alameda Stadium, some of you might know it as Mcafee Stadium or The BLACK HOLE. That's right, Raider nations infamous stadium. Along side Oracle arena where the Golden State Warriors call home. I have never felt so scared in my life wearing a charger jersey in a stadium. I can only imagine if there were 50,000 screaming raider fans and it was game day what would happen to me. At least I get to say I wore my charger gear in McAfee stadium, with being stabbed, kicked or spit on.

When I got back to San Diego, I decided to also get my daughter involved. So XX Super Cyclist was back in town with trusty sidekick Win in tow around Mission Bay. With the XX1090 / CAF SAG wagon prepped and ready to go, We went up and down the bay waving the XX1090 flag and Win saying hi to every man, woman, child and even dog that passed us. Thanks for your enthusiasm Winter, you make a great sidekick.

After running around the Bay Area, Mission Bay and 800+ photographs later. I was ready to call it a day. Coming into this weeks task I was really hesitant and reluctant on how successful the outcome would be. I just wanted to know I gave it all I got and Scott mentioned "be yourself". I hope to show that through the pictures I took I can promote XX1090 and CAF in a tasteful and yet fun way. I think I was able to accomplish both at the same time.

If you would like to see more videos. Please click on my youtube pages to the right of the page.

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