Sunday, September 12, 2010

CAF QMDC Week 17

No, you didnt miss QMDC Week 16 post. I missed week 16 ride so I wont be able to tell you how it went, but according to my colleages, it was recovery Kelly's loop ride. I also missed out on a great post ride breakfast at the Rancho Valencia Resort and Spa (See Week 12).

This weeks ride is called Ranger twist, 84 miles and 3400 feet of climbing. The ride started at Solano Beach on a nice cloudy and cool morning. Up the 101 then east on the 76 bike path until we reached Bonsall for our first SAG. It's mid morning and still no sun which is a great change since typically by now the sun would have appeared beating down on us. Now comes the climbing, we headed east on Lilac towards old 395. Then travelled north until we hit Ranger Rd (Ranger Twist) the West on E Mission Rd. What I noticed in my blogs is that as the weeks pass, the blogs about climbing gets shorter and smaller. I hate to admit but to everyone out there who wants to be a better rider. The only way to get better at something is to do it over and over again. The climbs have now become easier, breathing is more controlled and legs are cramping less. Hydration and strength training also have a part in this but putting it to use every week is key. After riding down pretty back country roads where trees surround the road overhead like canopies. We where now at the second SAG. From here we have to climb smaller rollers on our way back to the coast via Vista and San Marcos. As I looked around, most of the entire group made it back together. No FLATs (See Week 15), and no accidents both mechanical and physical to the group. I have notice that the entire group and individually everyone has progressed from the training. It was great riding last week but I have to say I will be missing next weeks ride. Another wedding to attend to in Northern California. But I will be riding the back to back century the following weekend. I hope to catch everyone then.

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