Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Changing Gears, Changing Lives"

For the last few months I have been sharing my journey through the QMDC Scott & BR Radio Show Challenge. You've read my stories about the rides we've gone on and the bake sales I've done. I made a fool of myself advertising the Scott & BR show and CAF at Lucha Libre. Now this journey is soon coming to an end. The last email I received from last year's winner Adam Beck ended with a question "What have you done for CAF today?" I started to brainstorm and the first thing, which is something I do almost automatically everyday, was I tell someone about CAF. As I continued to think about the things I have done for CAF, it soon became a question of what has this competition done to me.
"Changing Gears, Changing Lives," is the CAF slogan. I can truly say that it has changed my life. Before this competition I was never the person to actively advocate for a cause. I would be the person who donated or actively passed along other requests for fundraising and helping causes, but never the person to initiate such an act. I am now that person. I am a volunteer and hopefully a person that my daughter can look up to and follow the path of service and good will.
Not only has it changed my life, but it has also changed the lives of others in my family. Throughout the last couple of years my wife and my daughter have been by my side helping me train for many runs and especially this competition. During the beginning stages of this competition my wife was inspired to run a half marathon. To continue with the spirit of giving and to credit her inspiration, her first half marathon will be Silverstrand in November, which benefits CAF. So when I'm not on my training rides or working, I am helping her train for her first big run.
Volunteering at the inaugural CAF Para triathlon Camp was one of the most inspiring things I've done in my entire life. Being there to help as athletes learned skills that will last them a life time was amazing. Giving me that opportunity was a blessing and I hope to continue helping whenever CAF needs me long after this competition is over.
One person who also supported me through this journey is my boss Peter. During our last fundraiser the Poker Ride, he and his daughter came out to show their support for the cause. They welcomed riders as they came to SAG #3. Peter's daughter is just starting to ride. I hope that seeing the riders that day inspires her to do more and see that anything is possible if she just tries.
As each week's ride brought lessons about riding and being a part of a team. It also brought me closer to friends I have met through this competition. We still have a month of riding till the end goal of SF to SD, so if you're a QMDC rider and I haven't met you yet, I hope I get the opportunity to meet another person who cares about this great cause.
Tomorrow is elimination day at the radio station. So I will end this post for now, and hoping that my competition is not ending tomorrow. There is so much more I have yet to learn and want to do for CAF. I have met so many amazing people and look forward to riding with all of you next week. For all of you who have taught me priceless lessons in riding and for all that continue to be an inspiration to me and my family, thank you.

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