Sunday, August 8, 2010

And then there was seven....

Mark Estrada

Bruce Dunlap
Dave Mitchell
Danielle Weickgenant
Keith Jensen
Chris Glossner
Brian Myers

Many of you might not know who we are. For some we are known as the radio group. But almost every Sunday since June we have been riding with the QMDC training ride every week. We were all contestants with the 2010 Scott and BR radio show. Scott Kaplan is an avid rider himself and a great promoter for the Challenged Athlete Foundation. The contest started with 30 individuals, and now we are down to seven. People ask me how we survive each week of elimination. None of us know how each of us is judged but all we can count on is to show up each week on the training rides, promote CAF and the radio show. As the weeks go by, our group has got closer and closer. It's hard to imagine each one of us not making the trip from San Francisco to San Diego in October. Whether or not I get the chance to ride in October. This is a great once in a lifetime opportunity. Not only am I meeting great people and hearing some amazing stories from fellow riders, I also have a chance to give back to a foundation that I know really makes a difference in peoples lives.
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