Sunday, August 8, 2010

CAF QMDC week 12

I cant believe we are over halfway through our training rides. This week was a recovery ride since the past two weeks we have been adding more and more miles to our weekly routine. But this week wasn't going to be easy off the bike. As a radio contestant, the remaining 10 had to compose a 250 word essay on who we are and why did we sign up for the QMDC. Also the immunity help was up for grabs by answering a 45 point quiz before the ride that morning. The essay was easier of the two, the quiz was another story. Answers to the quiz were all "on the web" as Adam Beck would put it. He means all on the doublex1090 website and names including last names of some of this years riders. If you kept to yourself through most of the rides since week one then you might as well quit now. The point of the training as a group to me is not only to know and better your physical and mental capabilities. But to also meet fellow riders and to hear their stories on why they are taking part on the arduous journey. I will let you know more on who the radio contestants are on another entry. Meanwhile we were in for a great post ride breakfast at Rancho Valencia Resort and Spa. G3 was short on ride leaders so Coach Pat Jack and Scott Rhodes joined us on this weeks ride. Not much to the ride, since we have ridden Kelly's Loop back on week 8. I think its more of a challenge trying to keep the group from pushing since it is still a recovery week. I had great chance on taking pictures of the group from different angles since the road as mostly free from traffic. Funny thing happened this week, embarrassing more like it. Riding up El Camino Real, several rollers gave us a chance to cruise on our drops. One in particular reminded me that weekly maintenance is not only essential for bike longevity, but make one immune from bike jokes. As I was slowing down, I noticed a squeal coming from the rear. Didn't think much of it as I didn't think I was riding the brakes hard enough for it to do that. But as I also slightly pressed on the front, yup it was me. I made everyone in front of me nervous since the squeal didn't stop until we got to the light at the bottom. I didn't know what was more red, my helmet or my face? Pat Jack used this moment to explain why we all need to clean and check our brakes weekly. I heard it from the rest of the group for several miles but it was all for a good laugh. We got to our sag with no flats or delays. Refueled a bit but didn't want to fill up since we all knew the best is yet to come. The ride down the coast is always fun, but as the morning mist disappear. So does the wide open road. Runners, strollers and cars, everyone is on the road vying for space. You have to make sure your on your toes and ready react at a moments notice. As we get closer to the finish, the group tends to separate more and more due to the frequency of the red light on surface streets. But we all made it back OK. Just in time for a late breakfast. Tucked away in the hills of Rancho Santa Fe behind Fairbanks Ranch, The Rancho Valencia Resort and Spa lies. As we were greeted by a gate monitored strictly for spa guest only. CAF was able to accommodate the training group. We were treated with a warm continental breakfast, from oatmeal, pastries to all egg white scramble, bountiful array of fresh fruit and coffee. It was very delicious and much thanks to CAF for making it happen.

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