Thursday, August 26, 2010

Studio elimination

Thursday was our first radio visit to the xx1090 studios. I was really nervous and excited. Adam said it was just like talking to two guys, but knowing thousands of listeners were just on the other side of that microphone. It was hard to imagine what to expect. Mike H. and Adam B. escorted the group inside the clear channel radio station.Every radio rider was there Brian B, Keith J, Danielle W, Bruce D, Dave M, Chris G (Along with his two cute daughters in tow) and yours truly. We got to met Skip Bot (Bobby) and Pratty for the morning show as well.First up was the past radio show winners Mike and Adam, followed by Keith who talked about his 24 hour bike ride to raise money and promote CAF. Then Chris G was called upon when Scott and BR heard he had raised the full $10,000 to join the group on their trek from SF to SD. Congrats Chris!
Next up was Danielle who showed off her immunity helmet to Scott and BR. They were laughing about how silly and creative the group got decorating it.
The group was in the radio show for a reason. One of us will be leaving the station knowing they wouldn't be part of the radio contest any longer.Scott, the joker that he is, was telling Danielle on the air that she was responsible for telling listeners and us who would be eliminated this week. After making Danielle squirm for a minute thinking she was responsible for taking away their chance on riding on for the radio show. Scott had a passed her a piece of paper that had a name already on it. Although she was still responsible for saying the name on air. For a minute I was holding my breath then she called out a name...Bruce Dunlap...I exhaled.Bruce was the best dressed of the group and he was next on the radio. Bruce is a great guy, even though we didn't get a chance to ride with Bruce often. For the little time we do see him and talk to him, he was very nice. He mentioned that he will continue to ride with training rides until the group leaves for San Francisco. Now we are down to six and it's getting harder since we only have four weeks left for fundraising and promoting. It was a relief but there is no time to celebrate just yet. With work and family still a daily routine in all the contestants lives, this has become second job for some of us.

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