Sunday, August 8, 2010


Cristal and I were kindly invited to Carol and Dean Roepers home in Rancho Santa Fe. It was a great way to meet new and old faces. It was exciting seeing everyone without a helmet and spandex on for a change. Also I had the privilege to meet some beautiful and very opinionated challenged athletes Scout and Shelby.
I was inspired of Scout's interview on the Competitors magazine a couple of months ago. Also speaking to Shelby, a G4 rider became very intriguing when I mention I knew a another friend and CAF athlete, Travis Hicks. Sorry Travis, she gave me the scoop on you. With Scott Rhodes behind the grill, the food was abundant that night. It was great seeing ride leaders Hooter, Adam, Jack and Mike. Vikki and Kyle. The Henderson's were also in attendance. I know I met alot more people that night that I didn't get a chance to mention. You know who you are. The highlight of the evening was taking a radio group photo with the hosts of the XX1090 morning show, Scott Kaplan and Billy Ray Smith. Bruce Dunlap we missed you in the picture. I would like to say, thank you again to the Roepers for extending their home to us and having us over.

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