Sunday, August 8, 2010

CAF QMDC week 11

I want to start off by apologizing to my fellow riders for the delay on my postings. It didn't help that my computer crashed on me couple of days ago. Now it's time to buy a laptop and say goodbye to the PC. So much for that new road bike = (. For more exciting news, week 11 started really well. This week, we rode the Scripps Poway Pkwy / Highland Loop. Covering 75 miles and almost 4000 feet of elevation. We were delighted to find out that Scott Kaplan was here this morning and was up for some saddle time. If you haven't heard, he has been having issue's with a herniated disk in his back, but nothing a cortisone shot couldn't fix and now he is ready to join us this morning. A trooper even riding with group 2 this week.
I have to say I have settled in G3 quite a bit. I am familiar with most of the people in this group, especially the ride leaders Jack Nasielski and Mike Hower. They have been really helpful by teaching me things from group riding etiquette to foot positioning. Also to not leave anyone behind. Tim a fellow rider, within two miles from the start, got a flat and I was again left deciding to push on with the group or stay behind to help. As I looked back, I saw only Mike helping out so I decided to go back and lend a hand. 5 minutes later we were back on the road but with G4 passing us we knew we had a little catching up to do. Tim wasn't up to catching G3, instead decided to ride out with G4 the rest of the ride. Jack and another Mike met us and headed up as a group hitthe first sag at the end of Scripps Poway Prkwy and the 67.
We continued to scenic Ramona and what has to be the smallest Sear's Department Store I have ever seen. The city is home to a couple of radio contestant and must be tough knowing you still have to ride back to the coast then drive back. By the time we rode into the city, the sun had emerged and no clouds were left to shade us. The views going down Highland Rd were both breathtaking and beautiful. By the time we were down the mountain, the sag stop #2 was just around the corner.
After the second sag, I could feel my body getting exhausted. But I tried to push with the lead group but had to tone it down a bit going up Carmel Valley road, the final climb of the day. By the time I got to the top, I hit every stop light literally all the way to the soccer fields near Via De La Valle. I was pretty much on my own the last 10 miles. It happens and you best be ready for it right. This week's ride added another milestone as far as mileage at 75. This is just a fraction of what is expected of me come October.

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