Monday, August 23, 2010

CAF Paratriathlon Camp

Last Saturday, Brian Myers and I were given the opportunity to ride with some very special men and women. It was the inaugural CAF Para triathlon Camp held at the their corporate office. These special individuals were given the opportunity of a lifetime to train with great coaches. Coaches Peter Harsch and Mark Sortino were very informative and taught the riders many different techniques and things to lookout for when riding. Since everyone in the camp varied in skill level, they covered all the basics from clipping in and out of pedals, changing gears and climbing techniques just to name a few. The coaches tried to instill in the riders the importance of safety first. Which to me is more important than finishing first. There were two camps held on Saturday, first was the above the knee amputee's and arm amputee's. The second was the below the knee amputee's, which was the group I was involved with helping. We rode around the CAF parking lot then we took to the streets. The only thing I wasn't to thrilled about was riding at 2pm in the afternoon, riding in a group of total strangers whose bike levels differ. After riding couple of miles out, the Peter and Mark decide to split the group in two, one to work on refining their skills on the bike with traffic and the second to do a ride out and back as a group. I was with the second group with Brian and coach Peter. Along the route we were followed by Jon Beeson, he was our rolling SAG and pace car along the route. Thanks Jon.

The ride was a very nice 25 miler to the Mobil off Camino Del Sur on the 56 then back. Weather was warm but not humid and we had a very nice breeze. Before you knew it the ride was done and the group was off to their respective hotels to get ready to enjoy a dinner as a group. I was able to see how CAF works and was pleasantly surprised and inspired by the people who came out to the camp. One such person I had the pleasure on riding with was Nicholas J Roumonada. Follow him at or his blog at I was truly honored and humbled by the amazing people I rode with this day. Thanks Roy for giving me the opportunity. I hope to get another opportunity to meet more CAF athletes in the future. Meanwhile it just puts in perspective why we are all out here and fundraising week and and week out.

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