Monday, August 23, 2010

CAF QMDC Week 14

Another week, another personal best as far as distance. This weeks ride was through Circle R Rd in Valley Center from our normal Fletcher's cove. But before the ride there was an immunity quiz once again for the radio group. Adam put a spin on this weeks contest by having us play spin the water bottle for the immunity helmet. The last man standing wins the helmet right? With Keith's apparent victory and immunity in his grasp, Adam said the contest was not over. Adam forgot to mention that the winner had to GIVE UP the helmet to someone else this week. Keith wasn't able to convince Adam to spin the bottle one more time, but chose wisely by giving this weeks immunity to Danielle Weickgenant who I believe was deserving of it. After all the drama from this morning. I almost forgot we still had a ride to do. The ride started well, only two flats the first half of the ride. What was ironic was that the two flats came from ride leader Jack N and Adam B. Adam B was helping a fellow rider and was "Contadore'd" by the rest of G2. G3 was growing as we rolled out of SAG #1 we had 5 ride leaders on board Jack, Mike H., Dr. Mike, Drill Sgt Mike and Adam B. The route after the first SAG was fairly flat, but I knew once we passed under the 15 North we would start our ascent. Circle R road was a decent climb and views of Valley Center were amazing. We even rode over the bridge many of you have seen driving on your way to Temecula. The descent felt short and quick, the next thing we knew we were entering the city of Bonsall again. Heading back we went through the city of Vista and San Marcos. After SAG #2, I could see that the ride was bearing down on everybody. When I saw El Camino Real, I felt really good and was thinking that we were only miles from the finish. Though once we headed west on La Costa Ave, the headwind reared its ugly head. This is when the group started to break up into smaller groups. I saw a group take off and was thinking of joining them. Since I was with riders Rosalie, Danielle, Tracy, Jeff and Kyle, I decided to stay back and regroup everyone, then took the lead and pulled everyone. It was one of the hardest finishes I had to admit, but I was glad that everyone was still together and made it back to PCH. At the finish, Francesca was there to greet us with Beer and Burritos. That was really generous of her offer with a little donation of course. The ride was the longest of all the training rides so far. Now Week 15 is just around the corner and we will be going even further. Week 15 will be coastal ride and will assure better weather, but a headwind will always be in the back of my mind.

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